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论坛承接ASME相关业务 2023年最新国外标准中译本价格目录 关于ASME BPVC 2023版预定优惠折扣的通知
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【ASME】I、VII 动力锅炉Power Boiler
S 动力锅炉Power Boilers
A 动力锅炉安装Power Boiler Assemblies
E 电热锅炉Electric Boilers
M 小型锅炉Miniature Boilers
PP 压力管道Pressure Piping
V 动力锅炉安全阀Power Boiler Safety Valves
【ASME】Ⅱ 材料Material ASTM/ASME
A篇 铁基材料 Ferrous Materials
B篇 非铁基材料 Nonferrous Materials
C篇 焊接材料 Welding Rods,Eletrodes& filler metals
D篇 性能 Properties
【ASME】IV、VI 采暖锅炉Heating Boile
H* 采暖锅炉Cast Iron Heating Boilers
H 供热锅炉Heating Boilers, other
HLW 衬里的饮水加热器Lined Potable Water Heaters
HV 供热锅炉安全阀Heating Boilers Safety Valves
【ASME】Ⅴ Ⅸ 无损检测NDE&焊接和钎接评定Welding
Ⅴ 无损检测Nondestructive Examination
Ⅸ 焊接和钎接评定标准 Welding
【ASME】Ⅷ-1 压力容器建造规则Pressure Vessels
U 压力容器(常规设计)Pressure Vessels
UM 小型压力容器Miniature Vessels
UV 压力容器泄放阀Pressure Vessels Safety Valves
UD 压力容器爆破片Pressure Vessels Rupture Discs
【ASME】Ⅷ-2 压力容器建造另一规则Pressure Vessels
U2压力容器 Alternative Rules for Pressure Vessel
【ASME】Ⅷ-3 高压容器High pressure vessels
U3超高压容器 High Pressure Vessels
UV3超高压安全阀 Safety Valves for High Vessel
【ASME】Ⅲ Ⅺ 核设备Nuclear
N 核容器、核设备组件等Nuclear Components
NPT 核部件、附件、焊管类产品、管道组件Nuclear Partials
NA 核设备现场和工厂组装Nuclear Installation and Shop Assembl
NV 核设备安全阀泄压阀Nuclear Safety and Safety Relief Valve
N3 核废料和高放射性废料容器Storage and Transport Containment
【ASME】ⅩⅫ纤维增强塑料压力容器Reinforc&移动式压力容器Transport Tanks
RP 纤维增强塑料压力容器Fiber-Reinforced Plastic
T 移动式压力容器Transport Tanks
TV 运输罐爆破片装置Tranport Tanks Safety Valves
TD 运输罐安全阀Transport Tanks Pressure Relief Devices
Other Software其他软件
【ASME】其他认证咨询Other certifications
其他认证咨询区Other certifications
CSEI 中国特检院
BV 法国必维国际检验
ABS 美国埃比埃斯检验
HSB 哈佛公司
SGS 瑞士通标
LR 英国劳氏
DNV 挪威船检
OTHER AIA 其他检验机构
外语角Foreign language corner

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公告 公告: 上传资料前请仔细搜索论坛是否已有,请勿上传重复标准 Es前缘 2022-5-17    
预览 [分享] [零零落落] ASME II-D卷 2003 材料性能 attachment  ...2 Self-reliance 手机认证 2024-4-3 17277 gdqian2393 1 小时前
预览 [分享] ASME锅炉及压力容器规范第Ⅱ卷D篇应力表的查阅及应用 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456 primo 2015-11-11 629576 emma2020 2024-4-16 14:18
预览 [分享] ASME卷二D篇 2013中文版 新人帖 - [售价 2 米粒] heatlevel agree  ...23456..9 遥望星星的石头 2016-11-17 9712637 hulixue86 2024-4-10 14:05
预览 [分享] 高等材料力学和实用应力分析(第2版) attachment heatlevel agree  ...234 xj0000sjy 手机认证 2013-10-24 386976 zhlq418 2024-1-31 21:50
预览 [分享] CTOD试验 BS 7448-1 7448-2 attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 yjka604 2018-12-14 252898 真水无香ZQL 2024-1-11 16:47
预览 [分享] ASME材料性能(公制)电子表格版VIII-1 Materials 2013 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..9 piziyu 2016-5-15 10612817 wumingshy 2024-1-11 09:30
预览 [分享] ASTM E45-18a(2023) attachment ferris 手机认证 2023-12-5 7411 爱é┐药 2024-1-4 13:21
预览 [分享] ASME PTC 34-2017 Waste Combustors With Energy Recovery attachment zhuxh69 手机认证 2017-6-9 71790 aspir123 2023-12-6 14:02
预览 [分享] BGAS NOTES attachment yjka604 2023-11-21 2298 xhqian 2023-11-21 19:56
预览 [分享] 石油化工设计手册(修订版)全套分享! heatlevel agree  ...23456..8 Bohr 2018-3-31 899441 swordfish1 2023-11-15 08:34
预览 [分享] 一本较老但是比较实用的书!!! attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..13 姑苏人家吗 悬赏团队 2015-11-24 14818192 考拉一只 2023-11-14 11:02
预览 [分享] (非常好书)ASTM材料温度压力等级对照表 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..10 南唐后主 2015-3-8 10515000 考拉一只 2023-11-2 08:48
预览 [分享] 阀门行业的朋友请多交流 attachment heatlevel  ...234 诺基友尼 2015-4-29 354429 858799921 2023-11-1 10:49
预览 [分享] ASTM E45-2018钢中非金属夹杂物含量的测定 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23 15961955344 2020-10-27 251619 考拉一只 2023-10-31 08:38
预览 [分享] ASM-specialty-handbook-stainless-steels(ASM专业手册不锈钢) attachment heatlevel agree  ...234 raintrace 2019-11-1 364119 lishi4567 2023-10-19 12:06
预览 [分享] ASTM D268–22 Standard Guide for Sampling and Testing Volatile Solvents and C... attachment angela193 2022-12-2 1693 lishi4567 2023-10-19 12:06
预览 [分享] Pressure Vessel Steel Plates Comparative attachment ssmith 手机认证 2023-3-11 3926 lishi4567 2023-10-19 12:05
预览 [分享] NiDI 14038-1998 Stainless Steels for Chemical Process Equipment attachment hjl 手机认证 2023-6-4 2563 lishi4567 2023-10-19 12:05
预览 [分享] ASTM D381–22 Standard Test Method for Gum Content in Fuels by Jet Evaporation attachment angela193 2022-12-2 1822 lishi4567 2023-10-19 12:04
预览 [分享] 分享ASME II PART D - METRIC (2019) attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..7 zxc873596 2019-7-3 767602 lishi4567 2023-9-20 14:35
预览 [分享] 工业常用紧固件优选手册 attachment heatlevel agree  ...234 xiegood 悬赏团队 2018-5-30 465287 koko521 2023-9-6 10:42
预览 [分享] ASTM E112-2013平均晶粒度测定的标准试验方法(中文-清晰版) attachment heatlevel  ...23456..7 Leelee 2018-1-18 829491 koko521 2023-9-6 10:39
预览 [分享] NiDI 14017-1990 Stress-Corrosion Cracking in Nickel-Base Alloy Weldments attachment hjl 手机认证 2023-6-4 1543 阿谢克那·李 2023-6-5 16:47
预览 [分享] 关于热处理中临界温度的问题 attach_img yjka604 2021-11-20 31319 myyeh 2023-5-3 06:51
预览 [分享] ASME II 材料 C篇 焊条、焊丝及填充金属2019-中文优化版 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...234 coldfish512 手机认证 2021-5-28 423483 施健航 2023-3-13 19:18


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