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【ASME】I、VII 动力锅炉Power Boiler
S 动力锅炉Power Boilers
A 动力锅炉安装Power Boiler Assemblies
E 电热锅炉Electric Boilers
M 小型锅炉Miniature Boilers
PP 压力管道Pressure Piping
V 动力锅炉安全阀Power Boiler Safety Valves
【ASME】Ⅱ 材料Material ASTM/ASME
A篇 铁基材料 Ferrous Materials
B篇 非铁基材料 Nonferrous Materials
C篇 焊接材料 Welding Rods,Eletrodes& filler metals
D篇 性能 Properties
【ASME】IV、VI 采暖锅炉Heating Boile
H* 采暖锅炉Cast Iron Heating Boilers
H 供热锅炉Heating Boilers, other
HLW 衬里的饮水加热器Lined Potable Water Heaters
HV 供热锅炉安全阀Heating Boilers Safety Valves
【ASME】Ⅴ Ⅸ 无损检测NDE&焊接和钎接评定Welding
Ⅴ 无损检测Nondestructive Examination
Ⅸ 焊接和钎接评定标准 Welding
【ASME】Ⅷ-1 压力容器建造规则Pressure Vessels
U 压力容器(常规设计)Pressure Vessels
UM 小型压力容器Miniature Vessels
UV 压力容器泄放阀Pressure Vessels Safety Valves
UD 压力容器爆破片Pressure Vessels Rupture Discs
【ASME】Ⅷ-2 压力容器建造另一规则Pressure Vessels
U2压力容器 Alternative Rules for Pressure Vessel
【ASME】Ⅷ-3 高压容器High pressure vessels
U3超高压容器 High Pressure Vessels
UV3超高压安全阀 Safety Valves for High Vessel
【ASME】Ⅲ Ⅺ 核设备Nuclear
N 核容器、核设备组件等Nuclear Components
NPT 核部件、附件、焊管类产品、管道组件Nuclear Partials
NA 核设备现场和工厂组装Nuclear Installation and Shop Assembl
NV 核设备安全阀泄压阀Nuclear Safety and Safety Relief Valve
N3 核废料和高放射性废料容器Storage and Transport Containment
【ASME】ⅩⅫ纤维增强塑料压力容器Reinforc&移动式压力容器Transport Tanks
RP 纤维增强塑料压力容器Fiber-Reinforced Plastic
T 移动式压力容器Transport Tanks
TV 运输罐爆破片装置Tranport Tanks Safety Valves
TD 运输罐安全阀Transport Tanks Pressure Relief Devices
Other Software其他软件
【ASME】其他认证咨询Other certifications
其他认证咨询区Other certifications
CSEI 中国特检院
BV 法国必维国际检验
ABS 美国埃比埃斯检验
HSB 哈佛公司
SGS 瑞士通标
LR 英国劳氏
DNV 挪威船检
OTHER AIA 其他检验机构
外语角Foreign language corner

作者 回复/查看 最后发表
预览 [分享] ASTM E114-2010 attachment  ...2 gwh 手机认证 2014-12-27 101858 zhougy 2017-11-27 12:51
预览 [分享] ASTM铸件图谱-部分 attachment  ...2 liuhongtao0701 2017-11-14 141612 wanderer1997 2017-11-25 02:02
预览 [分享] ASTM A106-02a 高温设备用无缝碳素钢管的标准规范 attachment agree qzhaoy 2017-11-15 8703 Lijun510922 2017-11-21 17:28
预览 [分享] SYT 6557-2011 石油工业防火用水喷淋系统应用指南 attachment agree liuhongtao0701 2017-11-16 9891 ctci39339 2017-11-17 11:27
预览 [分享] NFPA_59A-2006_标准 attachment liuhongtao0701 2017-11-16 7414 jones-su 2017-11-16 21:57
预览 [分享] NFPA 750-2006Standard on Water Mist Fire Protection Systems attachment liuhongtao0701 2017-11-16 5474 jones-su 2017-11-16 21:57
预览 [分享] NFPA 1963 2003 attachment liuhongtao0701 2017-11-16 6487 jones-su 2017-11-16 21:56
预览 [分享] ASTM A182/A182M-05a 高温设备用锻制或轧制的合金钢管法兰、锻制管件、阀门及零件 attachment agree qzhaoy 2017-11-15 4520 asme001 2017-11-15 21:44
预览 [分享] ASTM E18-2016 金属材料洛氏硬度标准测试方法 英文版 最新版 不是扫描的 attachment heatlevel agree  ...234 jiaojian9216 2016-7-29 436324 xwcgp0731 2017-11-9 08:53
预览 [分享] 2010 II A 中文版(带书签方便查阅) 新人帖 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..11 lengseyu 2014-11-9 10210220 jiahongshuai 2017-11-7 14:39
预览 [分享] ASME 第II卷A篇 2013英文版 铁基材料(SA-451 to End attachment heatlevel  ...2 明月照积雪 2014-7-19 203365 bingtuzi 2017-10-28 14:20
预览 [分享] (ASME Press) Stress Analysis of Cracks Handbook 3rd Revised ed. Edition by H attachment heatlevel agree  ...23 Self-reliance 手机认证 2017-10-2 382485 crester 2017-10-22 21:13
预览 [分享] ASME BPVC Sec.II A(Begining to SA-450) attachment wgx70 悬赏团队 2017-2-23 131729 fanggs 2017-10-20 10:35
预览 [分享] 钢锻件白点的超声波检测.pdf attachment zhf 2014-12-27 8950 wzw331331 2017-10-19 17:21
预览 [分享] ASME 第2卷 材料 勘误表 attachment agree hengli007 2017-10-15 6743 hanyting 2017-10-19 15:56
预览 [分享] NAVFAC P-433 Welding Materials Handbook attachment agree  ...2 Self-reliance 手机认证 2017-10-2 171110 sign2200 2017-10-19 08:30
预览 [分享] ASME BPVC Sec.II Part A-2011a中文版 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23 mechen 2014-2-18 255038 Hadeshine 2017-10-18 10:10
预览 [分享] (Wiley-ASME Press Series) Bioprocessing Piping and Equipment Design_ A Compan... attachment  ...2 Self-reliance 手机认证 2017-10-2 181424 Hadeshine 2017-10-18 10:06
预览 [分享] PE Mechanical Engineering_ Mechanical Systems and Materials Practice Exam by attachment  ...2 Self-reliance 手机认证 2017-10-2 281994 jinchuang 2017-10-7 08:20
预览 [分享] 铸锻件没有必要做HIC,SSC attachment agree 孙志标 悬赏团队 2016-4-13 142453 ZZCSJV 2017-10-7 08:03
预览 [分享] Elements of Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena (Oxford Graduate Texts) attachment agree  ...2 Self-reliance 手机认证 2017-10-3 181965 TSS6799 2017-10-6 18:33
预览 [分享] Pinch Analysis and Process Integration_A User Guide on Process Integration f attachment agree  ...2 Self-reliance 手机认证 2017-10-3 171419 TSS6799 2017-10-6 18:32
预览 [分享] Peterson's Stress Concentration Factors 3rd Edition by Walter D. Pilk attachment healer 2017-10-2 8674 smysmiley 2017-10-2 18:01
预览 [分享] ASTM E317-1980 不采用电子测量仪器评价脉冲回波.pdf attachment gwh 手机认证 2014-12-27 5897 dwy000 2017-9-29 19:28
预览 [分享] ASTM A255-10(R14) 钢淬透性测定用试验方法 agree  ...2 asme001 手机认证 2015-11-21 123238 Lijun510922 2017-9-21 11:13


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