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【ASME】I、VII 动力锅炉Power Boiler
S 动力锅炉Power Boilers
A 动力锅炉安装Power Boiler Assemblies
E 电热锅炉Electric Boilers
M 小型锅炉Miniature Boilers
PP 压力管道Pressure Piping
V 动力锅炉安全阀Power Boiler Safety Valves
【ASME】Ⅱ 材料Material ASTM/ASME
A篇 铁基材料 Ferrous Materials
B篇 非铁基材料 Nonferrous Materials
C篇 焊接材料 Welding Rods,Eletrodes& filler metals
D篇 性能 Properties
【ASME】IV、VI 采暖锅炉Heating Boile
H* 采暖锅炉Cast Iron Heating Boilers
H 供热锅炉Heating Boilers, other
HLW 衬里的饮水加热器Lined Potable Water Heaters
HV 供热锅炉安全阀Heating Boilers Safety Valves
【ASME】Ⅴ Ⅸ 无损检测NDE&焊接和钎接评定Welding
Ⅴ 无损检测Nondestructive Examination
Ⅸ 焊接和钎接评定标准 Welding
【ASME】Ⅷ-1 压力容器建造规则Pressure Vessels
U 压力容器(常规设计)Pressure Vessels
UM 小型压力容器Miniature Vessels
UV 压力容器泄放阀Pressure Vessels Safety Valves
UD 压力容器爆破片Pressure Vessels Rupture Discs
【ASME】Ⅷ-2 压力容器建造另一规则Pressure Vessels
U2压力容器 Alternative Rules for Pressure Vessel
【ASME】Ⅷ-3 高压容器High pressure vessels
U3超高压容器 High Pressure Vessels
UV3超高压安全阀 Safety Valves for High Vessel
【ASME】Ⅲ Ⅺ 核设备Nuclear
N 核容器、核设备组件等Nuclear Components
NPT 核部件、附件、焊管类产品、管道组件Nuclear Partials
NA 核设备现场和工厂组装Nuclear Installation and Shop Assembl
NV 核设备安全阀泄压阀Nuclear Safety and Safety Relief Valve
N3 核废料和高放射性废料容器Storage and Transport Containment
【ASME】ⅩⅫ纤维增强塑料压力容器Reinforc&移动式压力容器Transport Tanks
RP 纤维增强塑料压力容器Fiber-Reinforced Plastic
T 移动式压力容器Transport Tanks
TV 运输罐爆破片装置Tranport Tanks Safety Valves
TD 运输罐安全阀Transport Tanks Pressure Relief Devices
Other Software其他软件
【ASME】其他认证咨询Other certifications
其他认证咨询区Other certifications
CSEI 中国特检院
BV 法国必维国际检验
ABS 美国埃比埃斯检验
HSB 哈佛公司
SGS 瑞士通标
LR 英国劳氏
DNV 挪威船检
OTHER AIA 其他检验机构
外语角Foreign language corner

作者 回复/查看 最后发表
预览 [分享] API 5CT-2018第10版中文版 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2345 一叶而之秋 2019-4-30 5710547 hmgongyong 2022-6-21 17:04
预览 [分享] OriginV8.6(32Bit)科学绘图和数据分析软件破解版免费下载 heatlevel  ...23456..8 Es前缘 悬赏团队手机认证 2012-4-26 7811121 scb151841 2020-10-11 21:52
预览 [分享] ASTM A234-2015 最新版 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456 wanderer1997 2015-11-4 576372 499202881 2018-8-6 21:58
预览 [分享] Heat Exchangers: Selection, Rating, and Thermal Design; 2020 4th by Sadik Ka.. attachment heatlevel  ...23456..7 Self-reliance 手机认证 2022-3-20 641752 justing 2024-3-2 08:23
预览 [分享] ASME_B16.36-2015 Orifice Flanges attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..7 yancangling 2016-7-26 749645 dipperchen 2024-2-23 11:08
预览 [分享] ASTM A106A106M-15 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456 ASTM 2015-11-24 597170 wxl1981510 2018-5-16 14:38
预览 [分享] AWS A5.14-2011 heatlevel agree  ...23456..7 fbleecn 2015-12-22 689694 FE-C 2019-8-21 09:50
预览 [分享] API 598-2016 双语版 attachment heatlevel agree  ...2345 wujian_kf 2017-4-21 604566 wanderer1997 2017-5-17 21:19
预览 [分享] ASME B16.9-2018最新纯中文版(和之前的不一样哦) attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456 经销无缝钢管 2020-4-28 626275 frankdad 2024-4-17 22:31
预览 [分享] ASMEB16.34-2017Valves-Flanged,ThreadedandWeldingEnd attachment heatlevel agree  ...2345 jh0828 2017-9-5 617278 BESS2018 2019-11-13 09:10
预览 [分享] Adobe2019全家桶 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..7 Legendhin 手机认证 2020-11-30 6912012 steven_sun1111 2022-2-15 20:15
预览 [分享] 焊接科学与实践:卷1、2The Science and Practice of Welding: Volume 1&2 by A.. attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..7 Red-Bean 2014-10-9 677215 Lijun510922 2017-6-28 09:42
预览 [分享] ASTM B 19版 合集 attachment heatlevel agree  ...2345 zhuxh69 手机认证 2019-9-3 574455 allen_zhang 2020-6-14 16:46
预览 [分享] Application of 2 1/4 Cr-1Mo Steel for Thick-Wall Pressure Vessels by G. S S attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456 Self-reliance 手机认证 2017-10-23 634389 chenkx 2022-6-26 12:50
预览 [其他] ISO9000-2015正式版(质量管理体系—术语) attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456 开心每一天 2015-10-7 5823637 duan351010 2020-6-22 12:37
预览 [分享] API 684 高清版 heatlevel  ...23456..8 gjtmawa 手机认证 2018-3-20 869528 wangnananping 2023-4-1 11:57
预览 [分享] 原版带书签API-612 2014石化天然气行业汽轮机 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456 happy895 手机认证 2015-12-27 6315071 zhougangtx 2023-4-7 19:07
预览 [分享] ASME B16.47-2020 Large Diameter Steel Flanges attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2345 lotus888 手机认证 2021-3-18 603770 15261501609 2023-6-7 08:53
预览 [分享] RCCM-2007 中文版法国核电标准 M,MC,S ,F篇 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456 xiaozhang12345 2018-1-6 6117090 houfengying1982 2023-12-2 21:54
预览 [分享] AWS D14.3-D14.3M-2010 Specification For Welding Of Industrial And Mill Cranes... attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456 Self-reliance 手机认证 2017-1-25 634378 2022 2024-4-23 11:15
预览 [分享] 【零零落落】Distillation Design and Control Using AspenTM Simulation [双汉语] attachment digest heatlevel agree  ...23456 mechen 2018-4-28 635090 ipinetree 2024-3-8 13:30
预览 [其他] 镍基合金的焊接冶金及焊接性 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456 过河卒子? 2016-8-24 847797 过河卒子? 2022-11-16 08:42
预览 [分享] API 6A-2018(第21版)井口装置和采油树设备规范(中文翻译) attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456 若寒 2019-12-7 716332 aganxie 2023-6-5 13:53
预览 [分享] API SPEC 5L 46版以及勘误1 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456 CHT1210 2018-6-12 737145 yxsky 2019-11-15 15:45
预览 [分享] (原版带书签)API RP 939-C炼厂避免硫腐蚀导则 - [售价 5 米粒] attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456 happy895 手机认证 2015-11-28 598677 cms1013 2021-10-24 12:53


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